Christmas Cup at Champions Hall - Eden Prairie
Coerver Christmas Cup is an exciting Christmas Soccer Tournament! It will be played at Champions Hall - one of the TOP indoor soccer sites in Minnesota. This will be a 6v6 tournament with free substitution on age appropriate fields.
Enjoy this great facility and put together an unbeatable team this Christmas...
Age groups:
Youth: Boys and Girls U9 thru U16 (2012-2005)
Adults: Open Men, Open Co-ed, and over 35 men.
Round Robin games December 26, 27, 28 and 29
All games are played in One Day within a Three Hour Period.
* In some brackets the playoffs will extend an extra hour past the three hour time slot.
Team Roster Size
Up to 12 Players
Top of the line turf, heating and lights
Full Restaurant w/ Liquor License
Yogurt Bar and Starbucks Coffee
Tournament Format
6v6 including Goalies. Free substitution
*2008 and older is 7v7
Three 25 minute games guaranteed
Potential Semis & Final
Cost Per team: $225
Times Saturday 12/26 Sunday 12/27 Monday 12/28 Tuesday 12/29
8:00 am -11:00 am 2012 Boys 2012 Girls 2008 Boys 2008 Girls
11:00 am - 2:00 pm 2011 Boys 2011 Girls 2007 Boys 2007 Girls
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm 2010 Boys 2010 Girls 2006 Boys 2006 Girls
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm 2009 Boys 2009 Girls 2005 Boys 2005 Girls
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm Open Men CoEd OVER 35 Men
For 2020:
***Mail In Registration ONLY***
All Brackets will have a 6 Team Max. First Come First Serve.
If we need to cut teams due to Covid protocols we will keep teams that registered first.
12 spectators per team are allowed on turf area. "Tickets" will be given to assure each team only has 12. One coach allowed per team, If you have more than one coach you will have to use a ticket on them.
Tournament Questions?
Tournament Organizer:
Trent Holmes
[email protected]
Ph. 651-352-2912